If yours is a new house and you have a fireplace, chances are it runs on natural gas or electricity. Because of emissions concerns, wood burning fireplaces have been prohibited in the construction of new homes. If you have an older home, chances are good that yours has a real wood burning hearth. Regardless of which type of fireplace you have however, you’ll want the right set of fireplace tools, whether it’s to complete the illusion or to manage a real wood fire and keep the fireplace clean.
A typical fireplace toolset consists of a pair of tongs and a poker for managing the logs as they burn and a broom and small, long-handled scoop or shovel for cleaning. We currently carry three dozen different fireplace toolsets from Pilgrim and Napa Forge, two of the leading names in the fireplace industry, with prices starting out at under $75.
Available styles are as varied as your home’s décor. For example, Napa Forge Metro Bridge toolset is sleek and modern looking, designed to fit in well with contemporary urban living rooms – and even work well in apartments and condos built after 1950. For the vintage home, you might consider the Vintage Fireplace Toolset from Pilgrim, which feature a real, long-fibered corn broom and a lustrous bronze finish. For the early 20th Century Craftsman-style home, there’s the Arts and Crafts Toolset from Napa Forge. And, if you are looking for something really rustic, consider their Rosette Fireplace Toolset, the Antique Scroll Set in iron (the burnished silver handles are absolutely eye-catching) or the Shakespeare’s Garden set that brings a bit of the Elizabethan Period into your home.
Of course, each of the fireplace toolsets we carry has a matching or complimenting fireplace screen to complete your hearth’s décor.